Meloncholy Soul

I've just recently come up on some of my old journals from way back when. It seems i spent most of my teenaged years feeling as though i was alone. I'm much happier now, but so many of the problems i had when i was a teenager seem to still be here. I thought i'd share some of my thoughts with you.
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Friday, September 7, 2007

Pet Peeves

It seems that even at this early stage in my life, i was easily angered and annoyed by persons who thought themselves better than others. I wrote:

March 3, 1998

"Pet Peeve- Persons using their knowledge to make those who are less educated feel intimidated; After all, If there weren't persons who were not highly educated, then those who are considered to be highy educated would be perveiced as normal; there would be no means of comparison."

Even now, I still feel this way. I feel as though there is more I should be able to do. I'm never judgemental in that context. How can i think that I, Me, this imperfect person is better than anyone else out there? It's still one of my Pet Peeves, and persons who do behave like that, they are the ones who I would be more ready to Judge.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Beginning

March 03. 1998

I’m 15 years old. These are my thoughts as recorded over the past/next couple of days years, months, years. I went through some of my things at home and found my journal.

“I have analysed all concepts of love that has been presented to me. Now, I am very much less than receptive of any of these concepts. Love is what you make it to be. That means it is subject to change, making it uncertain and unreliable”.

It’s now September 4, 2007 and I can only imagine what could have happened that led me to write that. It lacks any information about specifics but I know myself, I got hurt, someone did something to me and, well, let me jog my brain.

March, 1998. I was in fourth form in high school. I didn’t have a boyfriend, at least, not one that I can remember. My current b/f just reminded me that I did in fact have a relationship of sorts with someone. The first man in my life really. The first man to ever entered me, the first man I had sex with.

I thought then that I loved him. He was so much older than I was. Years! He had so much experience. I thought I had enough experience in life to think I knew I was ready, but not enough experience to know that he could never really love me, to not know that he didn’t love me. I laugh right now just thinking about it. I was so naïve. I guess hindsight is 20/20. He was a jerk, he used me, and some part of me knew it then, and he still is. Still I’ve managed to keep him in my life, years later. It’s the sadist in me; it’s the masochist in him. It’s something about my first that keeps him as one of my closet friends. The first person I ever let in, that a momentous occasion if there ever was one, I would imagine. It’s so sad, isn’t it?

Ladies, really, it’s all about if you think you are ready. It has nothing to do with how you feel for him. It never is. It’s always about you, and I’ve lived just a few years, 20 something, but I’ve learnt that that’s how it always must be. Memoirs of a teenager